Fainting in agony boy ~wants to be trained~.【Japanese gay porn videos】

The slave applicant Minato is a perverted boy who is a true dominant. The training began in a pitch-black room with no light whatsoever. He is no longer a human being; he is not allowed to walk on two legs. Minato,a sex slave who walks like a dog while having his ass beaten with a riding whip,needs to know pain in order to become a real person. First,the whip attack. The leather whip turns his body red with worm sores. Even the penis will not be tolerated. I keep beating him with the riding whip until he swells up. And slaves don’t need hair either. They shave,of course,but they also pluck out their shank hair with duct tape! Then,after the slaves are made into a smooth body,the weighted nipple clips are dangled on the small pink nipples to make them slave-like and enlarged. Meanwhile,the whip attack continued. The candle attack followed the whip’s reddening of his body. His wounded body screams. Then,when the body paint destroys his reason,she gives him a reward. The secret of training is to use the whip and the candy differently. After letting her suck his cock for a while,I develop her untapped anus by using a vibrator to dilate it a little,and then peek inside with an anal speculum. The tightness of his anus,as if it had hardly been used at all,made me feel like an asshole. Finally,I dig his anus until it breaks! If you keep destroying and regenerating his anus over and over again,he will become an existence that can be sexually handled by his master whenever he wants.
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Fainting in agony boy ~wants to be trained~.

Original Video:Fainting in agony boy ~wants to be trained~.

