A first in the gay industry! A first for gay men! The just in time mosaic that moves as the genitals do! He is 24 years old,182cm,100kg. He is 24 years old,182cm,100kg,with a beard,glasses,and a plump figure. He was wearing a white loincloth when he took off his jeans for this shoot. He was strangled from behind,and his nipples and cock were rubbed. Her balls are hanging out of the side of the loincloth,and she’s panting as her penis is squeezed through the fabric. She screams out,My cock feels so good,give me more! She screams,My cock feels so good! And finally,I’m going to cum! I’m coming! Ah! Aah! Ahaa! Ahhh! She screamed and released a large amount of semen. (RAINBOW PICTURES-MANTA)
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Click here for the full video:Forced Ejaculation in a Closed Room vol.1 The Sexual Condition of Loincloth Bears Scene 1
manufacturer:Rainbow Man
Performers:Zhang Zhong Xinichi
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Original Video:Forced Ejaculation in a Closed Room vol.1 The Sexual Condition of Loincloth Bears Scene 1