The 4th stage is a couple strip dance and public sex show by handsome Satoshi and girly man Koji! Dressed in sexy boxer briefs and gilets,the two danced to light music and pop music. They danced with maracas and expressed their fun lovemaking moment. As the music changed to a more seductive mood,they took off their gilets and embraced each other in a passionate embrace,not caring about the audience. As they intertwined with each other,they pulled off their underwear and put on sexy O-back and thong bikinis! Then they start to have sex in front of 40 people! Satoshi teases Kouji through his bikini and gets a hard-on. When his dick is big enough,he shows it to the audience! When it’s big enough,Satoshi shows the audience his cock! Koji wants to lick it too,so they go for a six-niner! Satomi puts Koji in a humiliating pose with his asshole exposed and gives him an anal groping. Koji’s breathing becomes more and more intense. Koji’s breathing gets harder and harder. When the enema isn’t enough for him,he takes Satoshi’s erect cock in himself and dances in the cowgirl position. Koji shows the audience his cock in his asshole. Koji shows the audience what he’s got in his ass!
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Original Video:DDE3-4thStage-Couple strip and sex show